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en:cooperation [2023/08/21 14:08]
tomaspoko [Data download]
en:cooperation [2023/08/21 14:14] (aktuální)
Řádek 26: Řádek 26:
 ====== Data for download ====== ====== Data for download ======
-**Brain Stroke DataSet - 2D numerical simulation**+**Brain Stroke DataSet** - 2D numerical simulation, 10 port microwave system
 A dataset is provided to the community for testing and developing their own algorithms for head stroke detection and classification after filling out the form on the website [[|]] A dataset is provided to the community for testing and developing their own algorithms for head stroke detection and classification after filling out the form on the website [[|]]
-For publication outputs, it is necessary to use the citation: +For publication outputs, it is necessary to use the citation:
-Pokorny, T.; Vrba, J.; Fiser, O.; Vrba, D.; Drizdal, T.; Novak, M.; Tosi, L.; Polo, A.; Salucci, M. On the +
-Role of Training Data for SVM-Based Microwave Brain Stroke Detection and Classification. Sensors +
-2023, 23, 2031.
  • en/cooperation.1692619702.txt.gz
  • Poslední úprava: 2023/08/21 14:08
  • autor: tomaspoko