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en:cooperation [2020/02/11 15:08]
en:cooperation [2023/08/21 14:14] (aktuální)
Řádek 4: Řádek 4:
       - novel waveguide and metamaterial based systems for superficial hyperthermia treatments.       - novel waveguide and metamaterial based systems for superficial hyperthermia treatments.
-  * Univerzitní Nemocnice Thomase Jeffersona, Filadelfia, USA +  * Jefferson University Hospitals, Filadelfia, USA 
-  * Eledia Research Center, Trento, Itálie +  * Eledia Research Center, Trento, Italy 
-  * Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, Nizozemsko +  * Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, Netherlands 
-  * Center for Cure and Care, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven,Nizozemsko +  * Center for Cure and Care, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands 
-  * Fakulta elektrotechnickáČVUT v Praze +  * MRBiology and Applied Physics, General Electric Global Research Center, Nyskauna, USA 
-  * Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky AV ČRv. v. i. +  * Faculty of electrical engineeringCTU in Prague 
-  * ALBA – RESTEK Group, Itálie +  * Institute of Photonics and Electronics, The Czech Academy of Science 
-  * BTL Praha +  * ALBA – RESTEK Group, Italy 
-  * Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR+  * BTL Prague 
 +  * Institute of Microbiology of the CAS
   * Institute of Measurement Science Slovak Academy of Sciences   * Institute of Measurement Science Slovak Academy of Sciences
   * Intercollegiate College of Medical Engineering National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"   * Intercollegiate College of Medical Engineering National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Řádek 20: Řádek 21:
   * TSE spol. s.r.o.   * TSE spol. s.r.o.
   * Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden   * Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden
 +  * University of Maryland, Division of Translational Radiation Sciences, USA
 +====== Data for download ======
 +**Brain Stroke DataSet** - 2D numerical simulation, 10 port microwave system
 +A dataset is provided to the community for testing and developing their own algorithms for head stroke detection and classification after filling out the form on the website [[|]]
 +For publication outputs, it is necessary to use the citation:
  • en/cooperation.1581430113.txt.gz
  • Poslední úprava: 2020/02/11 15:08
  • autor: tomaspoko